Father’s Day Feature: Phil Cohen

Father’s Day Feature: Phil Cohen

Last fall, we interviewed the man behind the legendary flatlays on @pacman82, Phil Cohen. We learned about his foray into fashion, his artistic process, and his greatest sources of inspiration.

Since that post, Phil has become a proud father of four month old Oliver Cohen. In celebration of Father’s Day, we chatted with Phil about his experiences as a new dad. 

Tell us about your baby!

Say hi to Oliver Cohen! Little Ollie is just over four months old—he was born this year on January 29th. His personality is developing more and more every day. He’s a stoic little guy that has been super alert and engaging since day one. He’s currently on the verge of rolling over and likes to converse in lots of baby talk. :)

What do you enjoy most about being a dad? 
Snuggles and cuddles! You can’t beat those precious moments when he yawns and slowly closes his eyes as you’re holding him in your arms. Or those times when he gazes into your eyes and smiles just because he’s happy to see you. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Phil Cohen's baby

What are your hopes and dreams for Ollie?
I think at this point, all I can do is pray that he’s safe, happy and healthy in all that he does.

What have you learned from Ollie?  
Being a dad has taught me so much in just these short four months. It’s easy to let life pass you by—becoming consumed with work and your own endeavors. Having a son has taught me to slow down, even if it’s just for a bit. He’s only this little once in his life and I don’t want to miss these moments because I was too busy to take it all in.

Tell us about one highlight with your son in the past few months.
My favorite memory so far was taking Ollie home from the hospital. He spent a few days in the newborn intensive care unit, so when we finally got to dress him up and put him in his carseat it was an amazing feeling that I won’t soon forget.

What has being a dad taught you about yourself? 
Time management has always been a bit tricky for me. Being a dad has taught me just how important every second with him is. It’s also brought new levels of patience into my life—happily giving him everything I have.

Phil Cohen father 


Follow Phil on Instagram and check out his blog